Willow Creek



  • WCNA moderates the neighborhood forum.
  • WCNA works to keep the neighborhood safe.
  • WCNA has a new mailing address!  No more PO Box. Please mail checks to 207 Willow Creek Road, Auburn, AL 36832. Or you can drop your checks in the mailbox at the same address (FYI, this is the mailbox at the pool).
  • Join each year by May 1st. Pay online using buttons here, or you can put check(s) in the large locked black mailbox at the pool and they will be taken to the treasurer for appropriate association.
  • Trash Amnesty Month – unlimited debris can be placed at the curb for trash pick up in March 2024. Branches must still be under 5′ long but the 6’x6’x4′ limit has been temporarily lifted. Here is the link with more info:   https://news.auburnalabama.org/article/City%20News/8577
  •  Vaccinate your pets! We had multiple tested and confirmed rabies-positive raccoons last summer around the lake. Please report to animal control any raccoon you see out during daylight or acting abnormally. Please do not feed wild raccoons. Raccoon rabies is endemic in this area. All mammals can transmit it. Transmission to people is 100% preventable if your pets are vaccinated and if you do not mess with wild mammals
  • Entryway fence update – the split rail fence at Willow Creek’s entrance is about 40 years old and needs to be replaced. Plans are underway.
  • Volunteers wanted to help with work days for front fence and/or to host a one-day event for neighborhood! Want to organize a “food truck Friday’? Or a movie night at the lake? Or an Easter Egg hunt? What ideas do you have???  Please email Julie McGowan!



President  – Julie McGowin
Vice President – Trey Bush
Secretary – Joss Heideman
Treasurer – Lulie Radford